Funded by the European Union

FOR project`s contents
This project intends to apply innovative CLIL method to multilingual learning-teaching system in upper secondary education, with the regard to develop academic language skills related to Botany vocabulary and mythology, and social language abilities in English to B2 level. So, having as starting point the official curricula of upper secondary education within our respective countries (Spain, Italy, and Greece), upper secondary pupils are going to work simultaneously on various contents in English (Botany related vocabulary in English and modern languages, classical roots of Botany vocabulary, classical myths and plants) belonging to more than one academic discipline: modern languages (English and partners` mother tongues: Spanish, Basque, Italian, and Greek), classical languages and literatures (Latin and Ancient Greek), classical culture (Mythology), natural science (Botany related vocabulary), and computers (on line platforms and applications).
miércoles, 30 de diciembre de 2015
Orto Botanico of Naples
martes, 29 de diciembre de 2015
Visiting Boscoreale
sábado, 26 de diciembre de 2015
Visiting Pompeii
martes, 22 de diciembre de 2015
Working at Plinio Seniore
Then, there was a little debate about the relationship between Classical and digital culture. Later on, students who were in international groups started to work in the twinspace profile, in their experiences with Italian families, and in the dictionary of mythological plants.
miércoles, 16 de diciembre de 2015
Visit to villa Arianna
Visit to villa San Marco
viernes, 11 de diciembre de 2015
martes, 8 de diciembre de 2015
Incidence in the return flight to Bilbao
Due to the dense fog in the airport of Loiu, the plane couldn't land, and they were taken to the airport of Barajas in Madrid, where they arrived at 12.10 p.m.
Lufthansa company hosted students and teachers in Marriott Madrid Auditorium hotel, and the following day, December 6, they were driven to Bilbao by bus.
Finally, they arrived home at 14: 20, tired but very very happy.
martes, 1 de diciembre de 2015
We think that the main goal of an Erasmus + project is the meeting between young people. So try to explain your feelings.....